
Explore our summit programme filled with inspiring keynote presentations, engaging panel discussions, and plenty of networking opportunities in the company of AI leaders from Aotearoa and around the world. 

Wednesday 11 September


8.50 - Mihi Whakatau

Mihi Whakatau

Madeline Newman, Executive Director, AI Forum

Megan Tapsell, Chair, AI Forum 

  • The potential and the reality of AI impact around the world
  • An update on the global landscape for AI regulation
  • Approaches to make AI safer and build responsible processes
  • Where does NZ want to be in terms of regulation

Lee Hickin, AI Advocacy Lead, Microsoft Asia

Hon Judith Collins KC, Minister for Science, Innovation and Technology

Tim Bradley, Strategic Advisor, Amazon Web Services (AWS)

  • Discussing government-led AI strategies and policies aimed at fostering innovation, research, and adoption within New Zealand’s unique landscape

  • Exploring partnerships between government, industry, and academia to develop a cohesive AI ecosystem, fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and skill development

  • Highlighting the importance of investing in AI education and workforce development programs to ensure New Zealand has the talent and expertise needed to drive AI innovation and competitiveness

Moderated by Tim Bradley, Strategic Advisor, Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Megan Tapsell, Chair, AI Forum New Zealand

Kari Jones, Chief Data Officer, Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand

Representative from MBIE


Morning Break

Moderated by Glen Willoughby, Chief Executive, Nilo

Urs Hölzle, Google Fellow

  • Addressing concerns about data privacy and security when using generative AI algorithm

  • How can it augment human creativity by generating new ideas, designs, or solutions ? 

  • Exploring diverse method to augment Gen into personalisation

  • Outlining the latest advancement across diverse sector

Moderated by Glen Willoughby, Chief Executive, Nilo

Urs Hölzle, Google Fellow

James Bergin, Executive General Manager – Technology Research & Advocacy, Xero

Dr Amanda J. Williamson, Associate Director, Deloitte

Representative from Google Cloud

Representative from Microsoft 

Representative from IBM

  • Reflecting on the past and anticipating future advancements
  • Exploring the various applications of AI in the world of game development 


Chantelle Cole, Programme Director for the Game Development Sector Rebate, NZ On Air

Dave Howden, CEO, SupaHuman AI


Wednesday 11 September


13.40 - AI EnviroHack: finalist pitching session and 2024 awards

Our AI EnviroHack is focused on delivering real life examples to help build a coherent environmental data ecosystem including:

  • Deploying AI alongside other new technologies to enhance environmental data collection

  • Developing a national environmental open data framework.

  • Considering where and how mātauranga Māori may be incorporated within Government AI systems.

  • Coordinating the development of standards and best practices for environmental data management.

Meet our four regional team winners who join our AI EnviroHack pitching session as finalists.


Phil Mourot, Senior Research Fellow, AI Institute, University of Waikato & Senior Regional Hazard Advisor, Waikato Regional Council

Prof Albert Bifet, Director of ArtificiaI Intelligence Institute, University of Waikato

Madeline Newman, Executive Director, AI Forum New Zealand

Choose the topics that interest you the most with these facilitated roundtables. Connect with experts and peers on core AI topics and extend your learning opportunities. 

Refining the skills of the current workforce and the support initiatives TUANZ intends to implement

Craig Young, Chief Executive Officer, Tech Users Association New Zealand (TUANZ)

Kahui Māori and the new AI Kete as a starting point

Dr Karaitiana Taiuru, Director, Taiuru & Associates

Lee Timutimu, CEO, Awa Digital

SupaHuman Roundtable 

Dave Howden, CEO, SupaHuman AI

Afternoon Break

Stuff journey to create a strategy and introduce AI into the business whilst being true to our purpose and delivering for audiences, customers and our people.

Insight into the areas of the business where we use AI to create efficiency and create new opportunities.

Laura Maxwell, CEO, Stuff

Ben Haywood, Chief Product Officer, Stuff

  • Discussing the future of AI, the importance of collaboration, and the role of diversity in shaping AI technologies
  • Emphasising the importance of accessibility and inclusivity in decision-making processes
  • Facilitating collaboration across sectors and promoting ethical AI practices
  • Highlighting the value of diverse perspectives in addressing biases

Moderated by Louise Taylor, Special Counsel, Russell McVeagh, Deputy Chair, AI Forum New Zealand

Dr Mahsa McCauley, Senior LecturerDirector, Women in Technology, Director, Founder SheSharp 

Shae Parsons, Māori Innovation Product Advisor, Callaghan Innovation

Jessica Zosa Forde, Machine learning researcher (USA) 

Closing remarks & Networking Drinks

Tākina Convention & Exhibition Centre