6 September 2024

AI Governance: Building the trust needed to scale AI 

Generative AI has huge transformative potential for the productivity of both organisations and economies around the world. However, in order to be ready to benefit from that, it is essential to ensure that you have an AI governance policy in place to ensure your AI solution is fair, ethical and trusted. 

Building confidence in AI requires more than just policies; it demands real-time, enforceable AI governance across all AI use cases in your organisation. 

We need to have visibility on how AI models make decisions and what data they use. When stakeholders understand these processes, it’s easier to spot biases and ensure the AI behaves as expected, which builds accountability and trust. 

AI should focus on ethics and societal impact. This means following legal standards, respecting privacy, and actively monitoring for harmful biases. It’s not just about setting guidelines but enforcing them to ensure AI is beneficial and safe. 

The decisions made by AI needs to be understandable. When AI outputs are clear and justified, it’s easier to gain trust and address concerns. 

A complimentary workshop for New Zealand organisations 

To assist New Zealand organisations to build their own AI Governance strategies, I am pleased to be able to team with a number of highly skilled IBMers and NZTech to offer a workshop on AI Governance at no cost. 

This hands-on workshop will show you how to create the foundations for responsible and compliant generative and predictive AI solutions in your organisation including: 

  • what (and who) to include in your AI governance strategy 
  • how to identify different types of risk across your AI use cases 
  • a demonstration of AI governance in action: witness real time tracking, intervention when thresholds are broken, and tracking of models across AI vendors

You will walk away with knowledge and confidence in how to safely scale generative and predictive AI to production in your organisation. 

Ready to start? Register for our Pre-Aotearoa AI Summit Workshop on Tuesday 10 September or find out more about IBM’s offerings here

By Libby Lavrova

Data & AI Tech Specialist | New Zealand

Sean Muller

Sean Muller

Being AI

Nyssa Waters

Nyssa Waters

Being AI

AI Governance: Building the trust needed to scale AI 

AI Governance: Building the trust needed to scale AI 

Generative AI has huge transformative potential for the productivity of both organisations and economies around…

Tākina Convention & Exhibition Centre